Superhero Run is the first fun run event organized by Urbanland to celebrate its 10th anniversary.

On a cold Sunday Morning of December 10th, 2024, people gathered at the entrance of the event with their favorite superhero costumes, getting ready to run along the beautiful riverside of Koh Norea.

This exciting event was attended by Urbanland, HKA & Partners, ISI GROUP team, Norea City teams, families, and friends, making it a successful event filled with energy and joy.

Through the Superhero Run, Urbanland has contributedUSD 10,000 to Cambodia Kantha Bopha Foundation. At Urbanland, we believe in giving back to our community. We are encouraged to inspire and uplift those in need as we strive to build a better future for all.

Be part of the Urbanland community and get to know more about opportunities and about Urbanland here.


